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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
11:29 PM
Wow! It's been months since I've updated.
Been kinda busy lately and lazy to update.
Firstly, I'm really happy to say that I'm attached now.
Today is my first month, Hehe! So Happy 1st monthsary baby!
You know that i love you a lot and will always do!
The reason i update now is because I'm totally bored and don't
know what to do. Since baby is busy with her stuff I would not
want to disturb her. Rather update then staring at the screen
doing nothing.
Today had my Mid term assessment for my final year project.
Really been busy lately with school since it reopens.
Done with my PP report and done with my FYP.
Today suppose to catch a movie with baby but the plan didn't go
well. At first i was upset, but then to think about it, i shouldn't be,
it's not anyone fault. But it's ok, at least i manage to spend time
with her cause that's important. Went to lepak at the usual place
and wait for her laptop to be configured, although it took sooo LONG.
What what to do, already happen. Went back to coffee shop till 8 plus
and send baby back home.
For now, think i should do what you want me to do.
Cause i understand how you feel. I believe that i need
to give you time for you own like you say but hopefully
you know your limits. I just want to see you smile baby.
I don't want you to get bored of me or something.
I might not be a good BF but they way i am to you is
the BEST that i can be. Don't feel that i don't care for
you cause i really do. I'm just being what you want me
to be now. I hope that i can make you happy by doing so.
Just to let you know that thanks for entering my life
cause you never fail to make me happy. =)
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Sunday, February 14, 2010
11:10 PM
Heys! I'm back! I find this blog is dusty.
Long time since i updated. Sorry to those people
that check my blog and find out that i haven't
update anything new yet. Well my life now is
really just a normal like. Wake up in the morning
and living the best out of it. I really like the song
from Kris Allen 'Live like we're Dying'. I just show
how much you need to appreciate things when you
think that what you have is never enough. I can
say that i haven't have my complete happy life back
but i living as if i'm having everything that i want.
Let me tell you what i'm currently doing now.
I just started working at Sentosa so i hope that
i will be busy working everyday rather than rot
at home and do nothing all day. Well work is tiring
as i'm not really use to work the that type of environment
where i can't do as what i want like the previous work.
I kinda miss my previous work. But never mind i can still
work there if i want. Anyway, i'm currently on 5 days MC.
I'm suspected of having HFMD. Hahaha, the doctor says that
people at my age can still get it. But for now i don't feel that i'm
sick. I want to go to work but they know about my MC. My
MC is till Wed and i need to go back to the doc for a follow up check
up. Bahh! I just hope that i'll be fine..
Today i went to Sentosa. Last min plan with my sis.
We plan to watch TV all day at home, the my 2nd sis
call and so we went out. Catch the Songs of The Sea
just now. I've watch it before but i just watch it again.
At least i did have fun. But when i'm there the person
sitting beside me was F-ing irritating. I won't want to
start explaining about what he did but easy say he's
irritating. He smells like metal! If you guys know how
it smell like if you guys have ever smell a metal which
i think you guys won't even do it cause i think it's stupid
so smell a metal. Ok, i'm out of the topic already. Bahh!
Well after that, basically when home. Like usual.
See i'm just living a normal life now. No more than that.
Today's is V'day. Just wish to all people that celebrate it
with their GF/BF are happy and hope you have a good day.
Remember to treasure someone before the person go.
Later you will regret one day. Every small effort that
the person do should be appreciated and not for granted.
I keep on telling myself that too although i don't have
anyone. It applys to everything. Well for me, if you know
if talking about love life, i'm seriously not ready yet.
For now i don't really contact anyone special. Hmm,
except for Nadia. She's just someone i'm comfortable
with and someone that i care for that's all. She's a nice
girl actually although is 'bully' me but she do care for
me as a friend. But she likes to merajok, i don't know why,bahh!
Other than that, no one else, my HP is always silent. =)
Anyway, to that Someone (can't reveal the name); sorry for
that day about the vomitting part. I totally sorry, i hope you
are OK on that day. I would like to thank you for that day too.
If you read this you will know who you are. I can't say you know why.
Wow! I think i really talk a lot today. Whatever i say in this post really
come from my heart. And for is just want to say that i'm happy to have friends
like you people. I really appreciate you people. Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year!
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Saturday, January 30, 2010
6:58 PM
I'm bored at home!! Help!
I'm mad at my sis now, she
promise me that she will bring me
go bowling at marina but now she's sleeping
like a pig! -_-
Cheat my feelings! =(
I really want to go out!
I'm damn bored at home!
Sometimes, how i wish i could have
a girlfriend. Hahaha! But on the second thought
i don't think so.
To that someone, I just hope that you will learn
your lesson this time. I mean what i say yesterday.
Sorry if it was harsh but i just got irritated by you. Peace!
Argghh!! I'm bored! Someone please tell me what to do!
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
10:41 PM
Hey guys! Firstly i would like to thank all of you who wish me today!
I really do appreciate it alot. Like seriously i do! =D
Yeah, it's my birthday today and yeap i 19 now but still i look young.
Now i'm currently 19 and i have to change and think more maturely
and act maturely. I have to be more serious in everything i do and
don't let my family down. What happens in the past 19 years i'll let it pass
and make it as a lesson for me if there's any mistakes or remember it
if it's a good memories. So yea, that's what i want to do and be now.
Ok, let me tell you what happen today. Today wake up early for
school which I don't know why suddenly have the mood to wake up.
Met Wanie at Woodlands but walk with her halfway as i wait for
Itek and Jan and walk with them to school. First break like normal
go and eat and go out and smoke. But the second break was the best.
I was in class listening to musics and then i heard someone singing
Happy Birthday song to me. I turned and SURPRISINGLY (like seriously)
it was Wanie and Ima. At first i thought i was seeing double. Hahaha!
So yeah, i was really2 speechless and really don't know what to say.
I thank them alot and like i seriously don't know what to do.
They both bought me cheesecakes, i got a brownie cheesecake and Oreo
cheesecake! Wee~ And i'm smiling to myself as you know cheesecake can
make me smile! =) Till now i seriously like to thank Ima and Wanie. So
Sweet of you both!
When out of class after presentation. Met with Wanie and we both go causeway
to meet Fee. Then went to Khatib to meet up with Ahn. When Cineleisure to catch a movie
there. Met up with Haikal and Atiqah there too as they were already at town.
Bought the tickets, then play pool there. That place reminds me of someone.
But nevermind, well like usual, i suck at pool. Hahaha!
After pool watch the movie. We watch The Spy Next Door.
After movie, lepak for awhile then go home. Would really like to thank Ahn and Fee
for making time to spend it with me. I won't ask for more. Thanks to Wanie too!
She treat me like a King today and for accompany me to go out and spend time with me.=)
Happy birthday to me! Hehehe!
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
11:00 AM
To that person:
Well you may think i'm assuming but from what i see
what i assume is the truth. If you're not happy that
i say you're the same as her, then i should say it's the
truth cause you lied to me and make me like a stupid idiot.
I seriously had enough of all this nonsense. Stop contradicting
yourself too. Tell me to not to do something but you are doing it.
From what i know i never lie to you before. I never say i'm meeting
my friends but in the in i go meet other people. When i ask if you
meet him you deny and nak perah kat aku but padahal memang
btol. Now still want to deny. I saw that picture and i still remember
the day when wear that dress and say you go home or meet your friends.
Seriously for now i had enough! I just want all this thing to stop.
Anyway, why the hell MTV keep on playing the 'Meet me Halfway' ARGH!
To the other person:
Stop calling me randomly and ask me where i am
and put down the phone!! It's fucking irritating!!
Just go straight to the point, what you want..
Anyone want to watch Chipmunks tomorrow?? =)
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~