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Monday, July 30, 2007
8:05 PM
Hey everyone,im pretty bz this few days. First thing,Nelly got admitted to hospital for a week and now,Danish,her little brother which is only 1 year plus got admitted to hospital yesterday. I pity my sis and her husband. My sis have been staying in the hospital for more than 1 week and she have not went back home yet. So i frequently went to the hospital this few days. haiz.
Yesterday watch Simpson at The Cathay and its really a good show. During the movie i laugh loudly because the show was really funny. I think it's worth watching. Then Kak Siti wanted to buy for me the havanaise (if i got the spelling right) scandals but i told her that i don't need it now because i still have my billabong slippers so i told her to buy for me next month. Then we went to PS and Kak Siti buy for my sis her stuff. Then I got my haircut and Kak Su pick us up at Far East. Bought her food and we went to hospital. Then we went back late at night.
Today got to sch late. I think its because of i went back late the previous night. I had SS test today and went to hospital after that. Went there alone and went i reach there,mum isn't there like she promise me. I waited for her in the ward then she came with dad. So i got pretty mad with her which i don't know why and then i went home.
I really hope for karma to happen. Im trying to control myself not to be jealous or anything. i will keep the feeling to myself. I really regret that i got to know you. Because of you my bill went up.haiz. Im so stupid.=( ...She's an angle to you,she's a devil to me..
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Thursday, July 26, 2007
5:13 PM
Today is so wacky. Mus is damn bastard today. During the first period which is english lesson, he play around with the other people old projects like usual. But today,the funniest thing happen. He kick a stupid ball in class and played soccer. Then he accidentally kick to the teacher's face.ahaha. It was damn funny when you see her reaction. She shouted as if that ball is going to harm her.ahaha. The teacher was so angry that she say that she didn't want to teach Mus anymore.ahaha. Poor mus. Mus was like saying sorry all the way and i was laughing all the way.ahahaha.
In class, i kept on disturbing hazwan that he have not 'sunat'.ahahaha. Then he will keep on saying that im lying and he will beat me.ahaha. Its fun man! Then after sch we had SS remedial and i didn't do my homework so i and the rest who have not finish her work went out of the class and finish it outside. Almost 3/4 of the class went outside.ahaha. When i got to know that we will mark our own work,i had an bright idea. In my SBQ answer,i slip in some nonsense stuff. It's really funny. I wrote"Both source is biased because the writter is in two different countries.As the source is not useful therefore its not helpful.Transformers transform from car to robot. This source shows that magnet need poles to attract. The world is going to end soon. and blah3" This is what i really wrote in my SBQ answer so that its will be more longer. Im really not bluffing. For the other question,i wrote " When the traffic light turns red to green and this make the prime minister made his speech.Poke,poke goes the fork my mum poke me." ahahaha. After i half way done,i went back to class and copy the model answer and i hand it in to her.
After the class, It was raining heavily so we decide to stay in class till it stops raining. We played soccer in class and Mus did something stupid again. He broken a chair. OMG i don't know what to say already. He did a lot of stupid thing today.ahaha. So after that we went home.
I just found out that one of the apek that my friends and i disturbed just pass away. I reaaly hope that he had forgive usfor what we did. Ok anyway i want you guy to read something. Its really funny. A malay composition written by a primary 4 kid. I got the compo from my email. For those who can read malay then its too bad.hehe
Karangan budak darjah 4
Pagi itu pagi minggu. Cuaca cukup sejuk sehingga mencapai takat suhu beku. Sebab itu saya tidak mandi pagi sebab air kolah jadi air batu dan air paip tidak mahu keluar sebab beku di dalam batang paip. Pagi itu saya bersarapan dengan keluarga di dalam unggun api kerana tidak tahan sejuk. Selepas itu emak saya mengajak saya menemaninya ke pasar. Tetapi saya tidak mahu. Selepas emak menikam perut saya berkali-kali dengan garfu barulah saya bersetuju untuk mengikutnya.
Kami berjalan sejauh 120 kilometer kerana pasar itu letaknya 128 kilometer dari rumah. Lagi 8 kilometer nak sampai pasar saya ternampak sebuah lori kontena meluru dengan laju dari arah belakang. Dia melanggar emak saya. Emak saya tercampak ke dalam gaung. Dia menjerit "Adoi!". Lepas itu emak saya naik semula dan mengejar lori tersebut.Saya pun turut berlari di belakang emak saya kerana takut emak saya melanggar lori itu pula. Pemandu lori itu nampak kami mengejarnya. Dia pun memecut lebih laju iaitu sama dengan kelajuan cahaya. Kami pula terpaksa mengejar dengan lebih laju iaitu sama dengan dua kali ganda kelajuan cahaya. Emak saya dapat menerajang tayar depan lori itu.
Lori itu terbabas dan melanggar pembahagi jalan lalu bertembung dengan sebuah feri.Feri itu terbelah dua. Penumpang feri itu yang seramai 100 orang semuanya mati. Pemandu feri itu sangat marah. Dia pun bertukar menjadi Ultraman dan memfire pemandu lori. Pemandu lori menekan butang khas di dalam lori dia..lori itu bertukar menjadi robot Transformer. Mereka bergaduh di udara. Emak saya tidak puas hati. Dia pun terus menyewa sebuah helikopter di Genting Highlands dan terus ke tempat kemalangan. Dia melanggar pemandu feri yang telah bertukar menjadi Ultraman itu. Pemandu feri itu terkejut dan terus bertukar menjadi pemandu feri semula lalu terhempas ke jalanraya. Pemandu feri itu pecah. Pemandu lori sangat takut melihat kejadian itu. Dia meminta maaf dari emak saya. Dia menghulurkan tangan ingin bersalam. Tetapi emak saya masih marah. Dia menyendengkan helikopternya dan mengerat tangan pemandu lori itu dengan kipas helikopter. Pemandu lori itu menjerit "Adoi..!" dan jatuh ke bumi. Emak saya menghantar helikopter itu ke Genting Highlands.
Bila dia balik ke tempat kejadian, dia terus memukul pemandu lori itu dengan beg tangannya sambil memarahi pemandu lori itu di dalam bahasa Inggeris. Pemandu lori itu tidak dapat menjawab sebab emak saya cakap orang putih. Lalu pemandu lori itu mati. Tidak lama kemudian kereta polis pun sampai. Dia membuat lapuran ke ibu pejabatnya tentang kemalangan ngeri itu. Semua anggota polis di pejabat polis itu terperanjat lalu mati. Orang ramai mengerumuni tempat kejadian kerana ingin mengetahui apa yang telah terjadi. Polis yang bertugas cuba menyuraikan orang ramai lalu dia menjerit menggunakan pembesar suara. Orang ramai terperanjat dan semuanya mati.
Selepas itu emak saya mengajak saya ke pasar untuk mengelak lebih ramai lagi yang akan mati. Di pasar, emak saya menceritakan kejadian itu kepada penjual daging. Penjual daging dan peniaga-peniaga berhampiran yang mendengar cerita itu semuanya terkejut dan mati. Saya dan emak saya terus berlari balik ke rumah. Kerana terlalu penat sebaik saja sampai di rumah kami pun mati. Itulah kemalangan yang paling ngeri yang pernah saya lihat sebelum saya mati.
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
4:59 PM
Days are passing and i feel like time pass by so fast. I felt like its just the beginning of the year.ahaha. But actually its not. O' level is coming near and im really not well prepared. For this month i failed 2 subject,pass 4 and only get 1 distinction. My aim is to pass all but i didn't achieve it. 2 or 3 more weeks i will be getting my O' level result for my MT and im sure im going to retake the paper again. But still i will pray hard to get good results.
Yesterday was fun. We played soccer in the rain and we still played happily. It's rather more laughing than playing soccer. We had to open our shoes because the court is wet and slippery. The guys were playing soccer like in the slow motion movie. We were all soaked in rain water when we get back to class. We put our shoe outside the class and we walk bare footed in class. To me that was the most fun soccer match we had.
After sch i went to hospital to visit Nelly. I really pity her because such a young age got admitted to hospital already. Went i got there,she was sleeping. Went she wakes up,she kept on crying because she wants her dad to pick up her little brother. I stayed at the hospital till 9 plus the i went back home. Luckily her mum works at that hospital. So its easy for her to go work and visit her at the same time.
Today,had english writting course and i really its really boring. She always make me sit alone but actually i didn't talk to anyone.haiz. Im not use to write fantsy style of writting so its rather had for me to do the work. But eventually,at the end of the day i manage to hand in the work on time.ahaha.
Ok im really fed up with the blog song thing. It keep on giving the 30 sec preview. I already upload the song to my imeem profile and get the code and still its still the same.haiz. If anyone know how to get the full song please do tell me ok? That's all folks!
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Monday, July 23, 2007
5:38 PM
My day started off pretty bad. I woke up late and took my time to bath and the funny thing is i reach sch earlier than usual. I had a wonderful sleep because last night rain. Sodap! hehe. So first lesson was DnT and i fix my circuit straight away and im really happy to see the circuit working again.=) After that,i got my physics practical. Like usual,its super duper boring. I find that the expriement was just to make us occupied while he is doing his work. He talks alots of crap stuff and his jokes is so not funny! Sound effect melebih!
Then during recess i was surprise to get 3 chewing gum by Farah. She msg me in class asking if i want chewing gum so i say yes. Then while buying food,she suddenly come and give me those chewing gum.ahaha. I don't know where to put them say so i put at my pocket.hehe. Ate 2 and give 1 to Mus. He say "sedap!" hehe. Actually the thing is from my pocket sey.ahaha. During bio i,mus,hazwan and fad went out of class because we are not taking the subject. We laugh alot and we listen to other class having their geo lesson.ahaha. Then during english,Mrs Goh is so kind to make us underline the word instead of writting a summary.
After sch we had our english common test and its very tricky. The passages is very hard to understand. So yea,manage to do it just on time.=) Then Kak Reen called and she told me that Nelly was admitted to the hospital because of her high fever. What a poor thing. She just a normal 2 year old girl and this thing happen to her. So i thought of going there straight after sch but then my bag is heavy and i need some rest. So i went back first. Maybe later i go and visit her if nt tomorrow. Mum got home and now she is cooking for me. She is cooking sambal sotong i think. Same like me,blurr like sotong! ahaha. Mum just made a racist comment. She say that just she saw this man outside and she say that he is very2 fat and black.ahaha. Then she laugh. Then i told her that we should not talk about other races, because last week is racial harmony. You know what she said? "whatever" ahahaha. ok nevermind. Anyway im hungry right now so i think im gonna what for the food.hehe.
Recently you are out of my mind.Im happy about it..=)
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Saturday, July 21, 2007
5:07 PM
Woke up late today and i didn't go for my DnT class. I woke up around 9.45 and im too tired to go out and went back to sleep. Later my sis, Kak Reen and her family came. I took my shower and i got ready to go to Rochor centre to get my circuit board fix. My circuit board is the one which is holding back my project. Abang Nassier sent me there and he waited for me at the carpark. I try and find the shop but i don't know where is it. I even got to the wrong shoping centre. Eventually i found the shop after 15 min of walking.
The auntie in the shop is super duper unfriendly. Very rude. She just didn't bother about me and do her own work. Then the uncle came and ask what's the problem. After telling him the problem,he check my circuit. I found out that i didn't fix the thing properly and he help to fix it for me. So i waited about few minutes and the thing is fix and ready for my project. Lucky for me that he could fix its on the spot,if not i will be dead because i DnT project deadline is coming nearer. So after that i went back home.
Today i feel a bit tired and sleepy. I think saturday is my resting day. ahaha. For now i only started revising on my chemistry subject. Im really worried about my maths. I think im weak in certain topics. Home is boring but nevermind later maybe i will go and study.hehe.
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Thursday, July 19, 2007
4:55 PM
Ok i have nothing to talk about. Just feeling bored now. Nothing much interesting happen today. Ok got to study hard for prelims.
Tomorrow is friday. This means that its a 'play day' for the guys. Tomorrow also need to go for friday prayers.ahaha. So "Play hard,Pray hard"..=)
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
5:51 PM
Lately i have been waking up late. Everytime i sleep late,i wake up early. Sleep early,wake up late.ahaha. Class was same like everyday. Im tired today and the weather condition for today is perfect for sleeping.hehe.
After sch we had english writting course and god i think its boring. I was ask to sit alone at the back and i don't know what i did wrong. So we did some work and went back after we finish doing our work.
On the way walking back was funny. We put leaves and flower outside each others bag without them knowing. Me and fad put white flowers in bestfriend bag and its so funny. She got a lot of thing stuck on her bag. They place a huge leaves at the side of my bag while im walking and it's really funny.ahaha. You got to see how big is the leaf. Everyone start to hold on their bags and walk.ahaha.
I think im really slacking in my studies. This can't be happening! I think i have to push myself to the fullest and study really hard. But the thing is i can't make myself to study. I really need someone to force me to study.ahaha. Anyway i didn't study for all of my test and im sure this month progress report going to be terrible.
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
6:52 PM
Bad news,my com is going to spoilt. It keeps on restarting itself whenever i switch on the com. I need to go to another account and switch back to my account. I really hope that this problem is going to end soon.
Today,my friend got injured because she climb into sch and was sent to the hospital. What a poor thing. Prelims is around the corner and this accident happen. I heard they could see the bone. I really hope that its not serious. Yesterday the guys just talked about the broken tooth and today this incident happen. Anyway,i failed my math test badly.ahaha. 7/25. I didn't study for that test and that's the reason why i failed. Im about to finish my DnT project. Only a few things need to be done and the project is over. Mus and Din finish thier work already. So after sch i had Chem group study rush back home and change and go out to Jurong to meet syirah. I meet her because she is alone by herself. Reached there and we talk about few things and we really laughed a lot. When its about time,we head to MRT station and went back. I accompany her to CCK and went back.
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Sunday, July 15, 2007
11:13 PM
Friday we had aesthetic night and it was fun. We took a lot of pics but i could get the pic cause its with mus. If i get i will upload. Meet the guys at jurong east and go LJS and eat. Around 5 plus we head to SP. During the show,got this girl sitting in front of we keep on telling us to keep quite. Relax ah,we just trying to have fun and no one is talking on the state pon. After the show me and the guys wlk to clementi and ate mac. We went back around 11 plus.
Yesterday,in the morning i woke up late and went to do my DnT at school. Plan with the guys to study after that but at last all bubble. So the plan was cancel.ahaha. Went back and slept. Then my sis called and wanted to bring us go expo so i followed. Get dressed and sleep again while waiting for my sis to come. We went to Vivo first. Walk around and eat doughnut. The queue is damn long. I also don't know what so good about that shop. After that we went to expo. Down there was damn packed with people. I hate going to places with a lot of people. The crowd was so big that we couldn't squeeze our way through. We bought some food and eat outside and then went home.ahaha.
Today i woke up at 12 plus and sleep again.ahahaha! Like a pig Then Kak Siti bring us to Bugis and we watch Harry Potter. The show is ok lah if you follow up with the others previous movies if not then just forget about it because we will not understand. So after the movie we went to Bugis and walk around then we go eat. Then we head home.
Tomorrow is my LC for MT.ahahaha. Wish me luck! hehe..bye
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Thursday, July 12, 2007
6:52 PM
Tomorrow is aesthetic night and i don't have any idea on what to wear.haiz. I had my english oral just now and i talk rubbish during the conversation. The question was "Which teacher did i admire most?" I don't know what to say and if talk about my sch teachers, im afraid that he might tell the teacher. So i talk about my primary sch teacher. He ask me alot of question as im the last person in my class and he ask "Which teacher disappointed me?" I was like,WTH?! What im i suppose to say? So i lied and make up story. Its damn stupid sey.
Then went back alone and i alone at home. Mum came back and bought roti prata!ahahaha.habis! Ok finally my DnT project is going to finish and now its ready to fix and screw in all the things. Im so happy..=)
Ok, i really hope the girl read this. Listen here,im not interested im you! You and me are two completely different things. So STOP all the messages! Please i beg you. You really expect me to watch you dance tomorrow? No way man! I will be closing my eyes all the way. You really gives me nightmares. I really hope you do cooperate.ahaha. Last thing before i leave... GET THE FUCK OFF MY LIFE!...PLEASE FOR ONCE.
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
8:06 PM
Ok don't know what to talk about.ahaha. In the morning i thought i brought my thermometer with me but in fact i misplace it. So i cheated and took Mus thermometer and show to my teacher. Luckily she didn't know or else im dead because people who never bring their thermometer need to stay back.
Today i laugh a lot. A lot of funny things happen. After sch i went to do my dnt. Guess what? My teacher "merajok" hehehe. Because me and hazwan didn't pack up.ahaha. He said "Ok yasser,i don't want to help you already." That is so childish sey. The best thing is he did some work and help me to do my project when he got free period, he cut the a piece of wood for me and i didn't know that its mine. When packing up,i left the piece of wood there. He ask me, "yasser is that yours?" So i say "No,i think it's waste wood!" and i wanted to make my way and throw it away. He say" That's your piece of wood for your base which i cut for you just now!" I was like "opps!" and i started laughing.
O'level is coming near. I need to push myself more like the others. I can imagine how sad i will be if i flop my o's. Today math test was terrible,i can't do it because i didn't study that much about the topic. So im ready to get to know that i failed the test.
I really hate when this happen. You give me hope but it's fake! I wish i didn't meet you before and this thing wouldn't happen.
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Monday, July 9, 2007
5:32 PM
Saturday went to SP for the open house and then went to study at Jurong east library. We went to mac to eat first. I told Mus and Hazwan that im going to treat them mac and i told them i buy anything they want. You wanna know that those two bought? Mus buy his mac spicy meal,upsize,change the drink to green tea. Hazwan buy big mac meal,upsize, and change the drink to milo.ahaha. I just buy a fairy tale feast and buy a chocolate milkshake.hehe. Then we went to the library and start studying. I don't know who the stupid idiot who put the leftover fries outside the bag. Then the librarian came and ask to go out and eat or throw it away. But if throw it away its going to be wasted. Then Mus hide the fries in his bag and the librarian came back and say "You don't try to be funny".lol,WTF?! So Hazwan went down and mus try to meet him half way down to take the fries back then the funny thing happen. Behind mus was that librarian guy and he was following them down. Mus went back up and told me to go down instead. I went down eat a bit of fries and hide it inside my sweater and go back up. The guy is still there at that time and luckily he didn't saw the fries. Continue study and we took pics.ahaha. Nothing better to do while resting. 6 plus i went back home

Smuggle fries already still can smile!

Yesterday was Ncc Day parade and i start my day off by meeting the guys at Tiong Bahru mac and took a cab to HQ. Reach HQ and draw the nessesary stuff and got change to half U. Started the first rehearsal and and a break. After the second rehearsal it started to rain and i thought that the parade is going to cancel. Then i saw someone doing something and then later the rain stop and it start to shine again. I was like super happy. Then Reena came with her friends and i met them. I told them to change place because from where they sitting they can't see the parade that well. Then i gave them my dinner because im i feel like not eating.
While the parade was on,i feel damn hot and i sweat like hell. Luckily got fan.ahaha. By the time they march pass,its already dark. I time the timing is a bit wrong. After the parade we all eat at the mph and we took a lot of pics.hehes. Then its time to return our no.1 uniform and i feel damn sad.=( Im going to miss wearing no.1 uniform. So went back to the bunk and got change then me and halim went to return our uniform. I went back with halim, his friend,izzul and his OMG she's blind! Don't know the real izzul.ahaha. Nevermind i hope they last long.hehe. Got back and reach home at 11pm. I took a shower and i went straight to sleep.
Today i woke up late,i woke up at 6.30. I took my shower and rush to sch. Reach sch luckily on time when the gate is going to close.hehe. I was damn sleepy and tired then Mr ganeson called me and ask me to present the NCC Gold awrd to Mdm Lim the principal. I was like,why must me?? Then he told me that aurobind didn't come. So i went up with my sleepy and shag face and give the award to During english class i got a chance to rest.ahaha.
After sch had my common test. Physics and chemistry. Physics was ok but chemistry is a bit difficult cause i didn't study so much on it. Then i skipped dnt lesson because i feel damn tired. Walk with Mus and Hazwan to queenstown and make my way back home.
I had a plan in my mind but i don't know wheater to go on with it or not. I can't bear to do it but lets see how. By the way, i think im having fever now and mybe tomorrow im not going to sch. But i really hope that i can come sch tmr. I don't want to miss any lesson.
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Friday, July 6, 2007
10:06 PM
Wow luckily sey yesterday the qsst was cancel so i don't have to write a letter for Mr Wong. Lesson today was ok. Start my day in sch by skipping 1 period of english lesson. Actually i have no intention to skip class but went im inside my english class, Muzzamir came to my class and told the teacher that the DM wants to see me. I know he is lying so i lied to the teacher that i got in trouble because of skipping qsst. So we sit down at the stairs near the rooftop at the last level and we chat.ahaha. After 1 period, i got back in class and complete my summary.
During P.E we play soccer and we play till recess and we didn't go for our recess. During PD we did some stupid question thing then when its time we went for friday prayers. After that we had physics practical class and its like soo boring ah. I really hate the teacher lots. He simply don't know when to be serious and when to joke around. He's a slacker. Teach people also not that good. Teach us a bit but expect us to know more. Bloody hell nye teacher. Ok after that i plan to go DnT and finish up my work but since the teacher is not there i went for chem qsst instead. The teacher teach very good sey. I can understands what she says. Not like Mr wong who always pause2. Like dvd player sey. I did the work and i hand in.
Went to Ncc training for a while and i went home. Took my shower and did some homework and then mum says that she wants to bring us to eat. She called Kak Reen and we took the car to the food centre. We ate at this seafood place. they order a lot of stuff sey and now im really full like hell. Feeling sleepy too.ahaha.
Wow ncc day is really coming near. I don't want the day to happen.haiz. Im going to miss all the people,the rehearsal, the saturdays and lastly my post which is the slacker. hehe.. Whatever it is im going to miss the people.ahem2..=)
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Thursday, July 5, 2007
6:52 PM
Im going to be dead man. I told Mr wong that i can't go for QSST because i had tution. I lied because i had to go to Bukit Merah so settle my hp bills. Now he wants me to give letter. WTH?! The class start at 3.30 sey and what im suppose to do while waiting?
Reach Bukit Merah and settle everything. I went there with hazwan and after that i called my sis and met up with her. We went to eat at Mac then went back home. Dad went got home and he say that i should start studying now before its too late. He told me that he wants me to study hard and try to make him proud. He make an agreement that he will give me $100 for each subject i get A in my O'level results.ahaha. Good deal right?
Ok i really had good time talking to that someone last night and i hope we could chat again. Thanks for making me feel better..=)
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
8:03 PM
Im so worried about my oral result Because just now i really did badly. During the oral, i pause a lot and during the conversation part i pause for a long period because im really nervous. I told the teacher that i was nervous and the teacher says ok and smile but still when i saw their faces i was really nervous. I wasn't nervous like that before. My mind went blank completely and i didn't know what to say.
After that i didn't had the mood to do my DnT and so i went home straight. At home,i kept thinking about the oral and i really feel like crying sey because im really dissapointed with myself. So i decide to go out alone and spent time with myself. I went to queensway. Walk around and i have an idea to make myself in a good mood. So i bought myself a sweater with a hoodie. Then i went home because it's so bored walking alone.
Im not in my happy mood now. I really wish that i could return back to time.haiz. This is all because of the stupid oral. 4 more days to Ncc day parade and that's something to hurray about..=)
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
6:13 PM
OMG,tomorrow is my o'level MT oral and im not ready yet. Im not confident im my reading but im a bit more confident in my conversation.ahaha.weird right?? I also don't know why. Class was ok today. I had free period during bio and i did my dnt folio a bit. When i say a bit its really a bit. I only wrote one sentence and it took me 1 period. I have 2 period so i just wrote 2 sentences.ahaha. After sch had chem group study till 3.30.
After that walk to mrt with the same people and i went to bukit batok with Hazwan. In the train me laugh at this indian family and try to figure out what they talking about. It was really funny and i laugh till my stomach aches. Reach west mall and we try to find the toilet and its so hard.ahaha. We walk the whole place just to find for a stupid toilet. Went out of the toilet and meet Reena. Pass her the thing and walk to the Mrt and meet syirah. Then pass the thing and don't know where to go so we went back home.
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Monday, July 2, 2007
10:17 PM
Today i didn't go out. All my plan was cancel because Kak su came. Well its ok lah as im also lazy to go out. I don't know what else to say. This is a random post.
Btw im really irritated by that person. Can they get the clue or something? Omg, now i have pimples.ahaha. nvrmd. Ok tomorrow got sch and i haven't do my homework yet. I manage to do a bit of DnT only. Hopefully he gave more time. Ok,bye..
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Sunday, July 1, 2007
10:59 PM
Saturday was like usual, the whole day stuck with ncc day rehearsal. Whole day burned. I went to HQ with my sch so its more faster and it cut my cost.ahaha. Rehearsal was ok and we had part a watching the preview. While marching to the conducting stand,i got stuck in the hole and luckily no one notice.ahaha. I took alot of invitaion cards but now i notice that the invitation can be photocopied.ahaha,because its black and white. Went back late and notice that my family went out.
Today i stayed at home all day like most of my weekends. Woke up at 12 and had my shower. By then Kak Reen was already on the way to our house. She came and i played with Nelly. She is soo cute! Then Kak Su came and she had some problem at home. Mum and Dad wasn't at home. did nothing the whole day so its quite boring. I planned to go out and watch transformer but its not today i guess.
Tomorrow is holiday and i want to go out. Maybe i will watch transformer tomorrow if possible because dad wants us to go Ikea to buy our new wardrobe. I really look forward to Ncc day parade. I hope it will be a good one. I will consider myself out of ncc after the parade and i will focus on my o level. By the way,the girl got my no. but im lazy to reply her messages.ahaha. Im not bad im just who i am. ahaha. bye.
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~