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It never fails to make me laugh whenever i view it again and again.
There more video of Miss Swan that is much more funny.
Hey people, I know it's kind of late to blog but i really
got nothing to do.It might pass midnight but the night is still young..
I got enough rest at home today. Well i didn't went out today cause i just
feel like restingat home rather than going out. No one can go out with me even.
I'm suppose to go to my class chalet which is today 18th - 20th but
due to some reason I'm willing sacrifice all that.
Now i'm feeling kind of down and that's why i think i can't sleep.
I'm suppose to meet babygirl today at woodlands but it turn out to be a failure.
If i know this is going to happen, i think will go for the chalet.
Well if you know how i feel then you will understand.
Do you ever feel before that whatever you do turn out to be a failure
and nothing comes out right. Well, i'm feeling that way now. =(
I thought by not going to chalet, i'm able to meet her everyday like
she told me before but then what i'm doing now didn't turn out to be the way
i expected things to happen. I know i may not find be that understanding at
sometimes but when you know how i'm feeling to be treated like this
then you will know.I'm trying my best to change here, i'm really trying
hard. I'm trying to be patient with everything that is
happening and hope for the best.
1 more day till own 7th months together and i hope
on that day, you will be able to meet me like we have plan before
cause i got something for you this time and i hope you
going to like it. I also hope that i could meet you for a longer
period of time this time.
Well it seems that after this, i'm going to
sleep and when i open my eyes in
the moring, i'm going to be alone at
home again without anyone and the
things that i planned will not work out
to be as plan cause i will not meet her.
I would like to apologise to my classmate
for not being able to make it for the chalet.
I hope youguys will enjoy yourself.
I'm sure i'm going to miss all the
fun that you guys will be having.
Anyway, i really like the song of my
blog now. It keeps on replaying in my
mind for now. Hahaha.
~Always talking about what you got~
~Girl you know that you need to stop~
Breaking the silence