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Thursday, January 29, 2009
11:56 PM
Hey people! Firstly i would like to wis my sis a very Happy 23rd Birthday!
Hope your wishes will come true!
Stay happy always and hope that the surprise
will make you happy! =)
Nothing much to update but for now i'm really confuse with my situation.
Alot of things have been going on with my life.
Why do people this days won't give signs? (random)
When town today and actually i'm stuck at home cause i misplace my keys
but get to go out cause Sub when to my sis sch to take the keys and pass to me.
Hehehe. Thanks Sub! =)
When to Cineleisure and eat and just lepak there.
G**** are like Mcdonalds branch with Mc Cafe! They are everywhere! (random)
Now it's school holidays so i'm really having my free time to relax and enjoy.
Going to be working soon to kill the free time. And also the free time can be
use to go out with the guys.
Ouh ya, the crap thing is i just got to know someone talk about me again.
Haiyo, This people ehk, seriously susah ke nak lupekan Yasser nie? Hehe..
Always bebual pasal orang. No life! Opps! Ouh nie kan mature nye orang act.
Talk about people when you say you move on. Hahaha. Please lah ehk,
kalau nak blog don't contradict yourself boleh? Malu lah sey! Hehe.
Kate je why must i care about what your friend say about me, but
die tu sendiri lagi, sanggup sey member type tagboard untuk nak tau what my friend
tagged. Hahahaha! Then tak puas, gi blog and talk bad things. Why must you care?
Haiyo! Dah tak ade keje ke? hehe.. Ouh lupe, kan org mature buat bende macam tu.
Kite orangkn Budak Baru Naik(BBN) but at least something dari Budak Budak Nonsense(BBN)! Huahuahua. Kate org anak mak but..padahal2
And mestilah anak mak tak kan anak jiran makcik sebelahkn..LOL!
Ouh i don't understand, asl ehk gi club big thing ke? Ouh a'ah ehk sape gi
club kan nanti dapat award so must tell people. Hmm lupe lak pasal tu.
Pssst...padahal2, buat dose besar lagi ade lah. hehe. =P
And nak cakap kental? Hehe.. terpulang lah ehk to people who think
they're old and mature. Makcik2. No wonder bbual pasal org..haha.
Anw, Nice picture you have! Hahaha.
Okay2. Look i'm not talking bad about people ok. Compare my post and
someone least something mane lagi rabak cause i don't use vulgarities like mature people do.
I want to sleep people! bye! Update soon! Real soon i guess! =)
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Monday, January 19, 2009
11:05 PM
Hey people! Yay i'm 18 now! Wee! Ok i know i might be late for some people but still i'm legal.
I enrol myself at BBDC today but i think i regret cause i didn't know that dad transfer me $500.
So i took private. Ok don't talk about. Hmm, my basic test is on 2/3/09. What a long time. So now i need to start studying by my own. When to town after that. Sorry guys that i'm late just now.
Why DON'T they ask for my IC just now??!!
Thanks guys for spending time with me today! I really appreciate it alot! <3
And those who wish me at their blog, it's so sweet of you! Muackx!
To Aqmar and Faizal thanks for the present!! It's so cute! Chip. Hehe..
You guys can call me chip now! Hehe..
Ok lastly Happy birthday to myself! =)
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Saturday, January 10, 2009
10:24 PM
Batman begins, Superman returns..
You choose to be batman.. So i have to be Superman..
You are:
Remote controller
Information counter
No Action Talk Only ( NATO)
Money minded
Step mature
Step Hotstuff
Bragging queen
Take advantage
Macam faham!
Control freak
Typical girl
Ok, Superman dah return..=)
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Thursday, January 1, 2009
3:04 AM
Hello! Firstly i would like to wish you all Happy New year!
Let's welcome 2009 and hope it will be a great year!
I just came back from Marina just now with they guys
and the other. If you want to know there's maybe around
30 guys who came down. Fuhh, ribot pe~
Went out and meet them around 6 plus and have my meal at
Burger King. Then we went to this place at Marina Square where
we all sat down and lepak till the fireworks.
The firework was nice and awesome!
Maklumlah dah lame tak nampak fireworks, hehe..
This year i manage to celebrate it with they guys
rather than the previous years, when i they we counting down,
i was busy sleeping in my bed. No wonder i feel that i have no life!
Hahaha! We all had fun today and drink while we wait till the countdown.
No one were injured today. Hehehe.
Went back and took train back home.
Walk under the block and some old members offer me drink and
ask me to sit down with them for awhile to have a chit chat.
So lepak with them till 3 and went home. =)
Ouh, i did manage to catch things up with the malay regiment.
We had our outing on Chrismas and we went to Sentosa.
It was a great to spend time with them and i hope that we would
hang out again. I find that people do change from time to time
and as we are busy with our own life, we may think that other people
change and stuff. I am what i am and i believe that other people also
still they way i know them but maybe we might think that the person have
With the guys, for now i'm really sad to know that i might lose
some of my friends due to some reason. I will just pray for you
guys that everything that you guys is going to go thru will be fine.
But for Smile, you know what we going to get and it's really stupid
of you to do that. You know what i mean. If we see you outside, you die!
Hahahahaha! Like he say "SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!" so where's
the ACTION?? In life, please don't lobang people. Is this what you say Brothers??
Besar peh NATO. No action, talk only. CCB! Ergh, geram siol!
So for relationship and stuff, hmm, i guess i won't dare to take
a risk anymore. I may know alot of girls but i just treat them as friends or close friend.
For me to find an ideal girl for me it's impossible. Haha.
People have to know the real me cause i think i'm not any typical guy. =)
But to think about it, what's the rush in finding a new one??
I'm already happy with the way i am now. There's noting more
that i could ever ask for.
So birthday is coming soon. Wee~
Talk to dad about licience, i told him that i want
to take bike but he say it's dangerous and stuff so
he going to pay for me for a car licience instead.
Hmm, at least something. So one the day of my birthday,
i plan to go BBDC and enroll myself. =)
I can't wait for that day to come. Hehe.
I just wish that i will have my licience ASAP!
Ok, there's many more i want to share but i don't want
to type a long post so i guess till here then till i feel like
blogging about my life again. Trust me, you don't wanna know
about my life cause i have no life! Hahaha! Just kidding!
Ok once again, Happy new year and Happy birthday! Hahaha!
Ok lame! -_-*
Take care and ciao!
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~