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Monday, June 29, 2009
12:08 AM
Bored2! The whole day at home today.
Suppose to work but lazy to go.
I've been a lazy person lately.
Just receive a warning letter from school
for poor attendance in class.
Hahaha. Well from now on i will make sure i won't go
school late. Cause when i look back at all my grades,
i'm punctual for only 3 lessons. Very bad huh..
Right now i think i should throw aside all my problems aside.
Ok just to tell you guys that i'm really lazy to kenal2 with people.
For now i just want to appreciate what's around me.
Cause i think that people will not appreciate what's around them until
they lose it. I'm happy that i have my friends around me who will spend time
with me. That will be great enough compare to having a gf with alot of
Lately, something truely happen as what i expected.
But it really happen but it's quite sad.
You can do it to people but what if people do it to you?
That's how i feel last time and now you have feel it.
And anyway, i can feel something fishy going on lately.
But i hope that there's nothing going on.
Ok, take care people! I'll update soon...(if i'm bored)
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
1:29 AM
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
12:06 AM
Hello! It's been awhile since i touch this blog.
Actually i sometimes don't have the time to blog.
Alot of things have happen lately. Happy things and Sad thing.
But hey i'm Yasser, I'm a happy go lucky guy and for now
i will try my best to be what i am and stay that way.
This is who i am, if you don't like it, tu kau punye pasal.
Don't look at me from my shadows cause people do have a
bad past but doesn't mean it still brought to the future.
People change and it's up to others to believe.
Action speak louder than words.
Metaphor: Asking an illiterate to read the newspaper and believing what the person have read is true.
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~