You have typed:
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
11:00 AM
To that person:
Well you may think i'm assuming but from what i see
what i assume is the truth. If you're not happy that
i say you're the same as her, then i should say it's the
truth cause you lied to me and make me like a stupid idiot.
I seriously had enough of all this nonsense. Stop contradicting
yourself too. Tell me to not to do something but you are doing it.
From what i know i never lie to you before. I never say i'm meeting
my friends but in the in i go meet other people. When i ask if you
meet him you deny and nak perah kat aku but padahal memang
btol. Now still want to deny. I saw that picture and i still remember
the day when wear that dress and say you go home or meet your friends.
Seriously for now i had enough! I just want all this thing to stop.
Anyway, why the hell MTV keep on playing the 'Meet me Halfway' ARGH!
To the other person:
Stop calling me randomly and ask me where i am
and put down the phone!! It's fucking irritating!!
Just go straight to the point, what you want..
Anyone want to watch Chipmunks tomorrow?? =)
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
10:17 PM
Hey people, it's been long time since i update.
Well, i'm just busy or lazy to update actually.
I'm just living my life normally now.
Love life? It sucks.
Maybe i'm still not ready for a relationships now.
But what i've gone through really teach me lesson.
Don't fall for people words, don't love a person too fast.
But i believe one day they will feel how i feel before when
i'm out of their life and they will start to realise how much
I really put in effort and how hard i try. Really had enough
of all this stupid things. I just want all this to stop.
Find someone that can be always there for me and
accept me the way i am, love me and mean what they say.
Ok i really don't know what to update. Hahaha. So....
BYE! =)
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~