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Sunday, February 14, 2010
11:10 PM
Heys! I'm back! I find this blog is dusty.
Long time since i updated. Sorry to those people
that check my blog and find out that i haven't
update anything new yet. Well my life now is
really just a normal like. Wake up in the morning
and living the best out of it. I really like the song
from Kris Allen 'Live like we're Dying'. I just show
how much you need to appreciate things when you
think that what you have is never enough. I can
say that i haven't have my complete happy life back
but i living as if i'm having everything that i want.
Let me tell you what i'm currently doing now.
I just started working at Sentosa so i hope that
i will be busy working everyday rather than rot
at home and do nothing all day. Well work is tiring
as i'm not really use to work the that type of environment
where i can't do as what i want like the previous work.
I kinda miss my previous work. But never mind i can still
work there if i want. Anyway, i'm currently on 5 days MC.
I'm suspected of having HFMD. Hahaha, the doctor says that
people at my age can still get it. But for now i don't feel that i'm
sick. I want to go to work but they know about my MC. My
MC is till Wed and i need to go back to the doc for a follow up check
up. Bahh! I just hope that i'll be fine..
Today i went to Sentosa. Last min plan with my sis.
We plan to watch TV all day at home, the my 2nd sis
call and so we went out. Catch the Songs of The Sea
just now. I've watch it before but i just watch it again.
At least i did have fun. But when i'm there the person
sitting beside me was F-ing irritating. I won't want to
start explaining about what he did but easy say he's
irritating. He smells like metal! If you guys know how
it smell like if you guys have ever smell a metal which
i think you guys won't even do it cause i think it's stupid
so smell a metal. Ok, i'm out of the topic already. Bahh!
Well after that, basically when home. Like usual.
See i'm just living a normal life now. No more than that.
Today's is V'day. Just wish to all people that celebrate it
with their GF/BF are happy and hope you have a good day.
Remember to treasure someone before the person go.
Later you will regret one day. Every small effort that
the person do should be appreciated and not for granted.
I keep on telling myself that too although i don't have
anyone. It applys to everything. Well for me, if you know
if talking about love life, i'm seriously not ready yet.
For now i don't really contact anyone special. Hmm,
except for Nadia. She's just someone i'm comfortable
with and someone that i care for that's all. She's a nice
girl actually although is 'bully' me but she do care for
me as a friend. But she likes to merajok, i don't know why,bahh!
Other than that, no one else, my HP is always silent. =)
Anyway, to that Someone (can't reveal the name); sorry for
that day about the vomitting part. I totally sorry, i hope you
are OK on that day. I would like to thank you for that day too.
If you read this you will know who you are. I can't say you know why.
Wow! I think i really talk a lot today. Whatever i say in this post really
come from my heart. And for is just want to say that i'm happy to have friends
like you people. I really appreciate you people. Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year!
~Some people say that I sound strange some say that I'm not right~